CineNoche presents Mujeres en la Lucha

CineNoche presents Mujeres en la Lucha

Join us the last Wednesday of the month in January, February, March, and April for four documentary screenings spotlighting women's activism in Latin America 

CineClub México: CRÍA PUERCOS

CineClub México: CRÍA PUERCOS

jueves, 21 de marzo del 2024 @ 7:30PM CT / 6:30PM CDMX

Una proyección en español organizada por Cineteca Nacional, Cine Las Americas, y We Luv Video.

TÓTEM – Austin Theatrical Release

TÓTEM – Austin Theatrical Release

Showtimes starting Friday, February 2, 2024 through rest of the month

In a bustling Mexican household, seven-year-old Sol is swept up in a whirlwind of preparations for the birthday party for her father. As the day goes on, Sol begins to understand the gravity of the celebration.