AFS Doc Days: Soleils Noirs (Dark Suns)

AFS Doc Days: Soleils Noirs (Dark Suns)

Soleils Noirs (Dark Suns), a film by Julien Elie

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019, 6:00 PM
AFS Cinema
6406 N I-35 Suite 3100, Austin, TX 78752

Synopsis: A mystery, a horror story and a vital, comprehensively-researched epic, DARK SUNS chronicles the wave of femicides in northern Mexico that began in the second half of the twentieth century, and converged with the violence of the drug cartels beginning in the 1990s. This artfully-crafted, award-winning film points fingers at the forces at work behind the murders of thousands of innocent Mexican citizens.

OUTsider: Queer Rebels: Transgressors

OUTsider: Queer Rebels: Transgressors

OUTsider presents: Transgressors, a short video program curated by Queer Rebels and co-presented by Cine Las Americas.

Queer Rebels return with "Transgressors," a raised fist of QTPOC experimentations with a mission to transgress, to cross, to border, to aggress and to deviate.

Thursday, February 16th, 2016, 6:30pm
2307 Manor Rd., Austin TX 78722
Tel. (512) 474-7886

Cine Las Americas International Film Festival co-presents this program, curated by Queer Rebels, as a community partner of the 3rd annual OUTsider Fest.

CineNoche: Juanicas

CineNoche: Juanicas

Juanicas, a film by Karina García Casanova

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016, 7:00pm
Sunday, September 18th, 2016, 11:00am

Purchase tickets now

Violet Crown Cinema
434 W 2nd Street, Austin, TX 78701
Tel: (512) 495-9600

Synopsis: JUANICAS is an intimate and bittersweet portrait of a Mexican immigrant family affected by mental illness. For over ten years, filmmaker Karina García Casanova has been documenting her complex relationship with her mother and brother, both of whom suffer from bipolar disorder. When her brother commits suicide, she attempts to make sense of this event and come to terms with her past.

CineNoche is a film series presented in partnership with Violet Crown Cinema.

aGLIFF: Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things

aGLIFF: Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things

Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things, a film by Mark Kenneth Woods & Michael Yerxa

Saturday, September 10th, 2016, 3:20 pm
S. Lamar Alamo Drafthouse
1120 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704 
Tel: (512) 861-7040

Synopsis: What are the words for lesbian and gay in the Inuit language? And what happens to those words when the Native American culture starts to vanish? Part history lesson and part travel documentary, Two Soft Things, Two Hard Things takes us on a journey to the beautiful and isolated arctic region of Nunavut, where an unlikely Pride celebration is being prepared by a new generation of Inuit who are working to unearth their culture’s forgotten celebration of LGBTQ people.

Cine Las Americas International Film Festival co-presents this program in partnership with the Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival.