Oaxacalifornia: El Regreso // Oaxacalifornia: The Return
A film by Trisha Ziff
Available to stream in Texas
In addition to being streamed virtually, this film will be screened IN-PERSON. Priority is being given to members, who will receive more details via email. Become a member!
United States/Mexico, 2021
84 min, Color
Spanish, English; English subtitles
25 years ago we met the Mejía family, from Mexico living in the United States, as they traveled to Mexico with their American children. This film finds us in the present, meeting the new generation of Mejías as they make the trip once again. What remains the same, did their dreams come true? Oaxacalifornia: The Return explores notions of family and home, and how fast identity and cultural alliances can shift in a single generation.
Sneak Peek
Director’s Bio
Trisha Ziff has worked for the last 25 years in photography as a writer, editor, curator and documentary filmmaker. Her first film was Oaxacalifornia (1995), as producer. In 2008 she directed Chevolution for Netflix. Other credits include The Mexican Suitcase (2011); The Man Who Saw Too Much (2015), winner of Best Documentary and Best Score at the Mexican Academy Awards; and Witkin & Witkin (2018). Ziff teaches film and media and lectures at various universities in the US, Mexico, and Europe.
Producer: Andrew Houchens, Isabel del Río, Trisha Ziff
Production Companies: 212 Berlin
Screenwriter: Jorge Marquez, Trisha Ziff
Cinematographer: Felipe Perez Bouchard, Seamus McGarvey, Mario García Joya
Editor: Jorge Marquez
Sound Design: Pablo Lach
Music: Jacobo Lieberman, Andrés Sánchez Maher
Print Source: Fernando Maganda, fernando.maganda@me.com