CLAIFF21 Season Launch Party

CLAIFF21 Season Launch Party

The 21st Cine Las Americas International Film Festival is in just a few months (May 2nd-6th) so let’s celebrate together with a whole day of discounts and an evening party with free food & drinks and more! Come mingle with staff, board members, and fans of Cine Las Americas, and take advantage of exclusive one-night only opportunity to buy memberships and badges with a 20% DISCOUNT!

Thursday, February 8th, 2018
Venue: ProductionFor (studio offices)
3019 Alvin Devane Suite 500
Austin, TX 78741
7pm - 10pm

The event is free and open to the public (21+), so BRING ALL YOUR AMIG@S!!!

AFS: El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent)

AFS: El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent)

Austin Film Society presents: El abrazo de la serpiente (Embrace of the Serpent), directed by Ciro Guerra

Monday, February 5th, 2018, 7:30 PM
AFS Cinema
6406 N I-35 Suite 3100, Austin, TX 78752

Synopsis: Director Ciro Guerra used diaries of actual Amazon expeditions to inform his film, which depicts a pair of such trips, and the river guide who led both, first as a young warrior, and finally as an old man. Visually astonishing; a major work.

Presented in Partnership with Cine Las Americas

HMFF: Zoé: Panoramas

HMFF: Zoé: Panoramas

Hola Mexico Film Festival presents: Zoé: Panoramas, a film by Rodrigo Guardiola and Gabriel Cruz Rivas

Thursday, February 1st, 2018, 7:30 pm
Alamo Drafthouse Mueller
1911 Aldrich Street, Suite 120, Austin, TX 78723

Synopsis: A unique and introspective look inside one of Latin America's top alternative-rock music acts. The film takes you on a contemplative and audio/visual journey through one of the band’s decisive years. PANORAMAS is a Cinéma Vérité style portrait of Zoé. A film crew follows the band during a two year period to capture the band’s longest international tour and their first big shot at becoming known outside their home country México.

Cine Las Americas International Film Festival co-presents this program in partnership with the Hola Mexico Film Festival.

aGLIFF: Your Way Back to Me

aGLIFF: Your Way Back to Me

Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival presents: Your Way Back to Me, a film by Alexandra Dietz

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018, 7:30 pm
South Lamar Alamo Drafthouse
1120 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704

Synopsis: Hannah Sheridan is half Cheyenne and half Kiowa, born in El Reno, Oklahoma. On the night of her high school graduation she saw a Navy recruitment commercial and joined the next day, despite the fact that she was a lesbian, or Two Spirit, in the era of “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Ten years later, after the deaths of her father and grandmother and her recent discharge from the Navy, Hannah returns to her Native-American community to fulfill her role in the mourning rituals that honor her deceased relatives and to try to find her place again within her culture and family.

Cine Las Americas International Film Festival co-presents this program in partnership with the Austin Gay and Lesbian International Film Festival.

AFS: Brimstone & Glory

AFS: Brimstone & Glory

Austin Film Society presents: Brimstone & Glory, directed by Viktor Jakovleski

Sunday, January 7th, 2018, 6:00 PM
Wednesday, January 10th, 2018, 7:30 PM

AFS Cinema
6406 N I-35 Suite 3100, Austin, TX 78752

Synopsis: In the small Mexican town of Tultepec there is a single industry, the manufacture of fireworks, a sometimes dangerous business. This gorgeous new doc shows us the town’s preparation for, and celebration of, its yearly pyrotechnics fest.

Presented in Partnership with Cine Las Americas

AAAFF: El Futuro Perfecto (The Future Perfect)

AAAFF: El Futuro Perfecto (The Future Perfect)

El Futuro Perfecto (The Future Perfect), a film by Nele Wohlatz

Sunday, December 10th, 8:00 pm
AFS Cinema
6406 N I-35 Suite 3100 Austin, TX 78752

Synopsis: Recently arrived in Argentina, 18 year-old Xiaobin (Xiaobin Zhang) is struggling with her Spanish: at her job in a market she does okay with the names of things but struggles with quantities. She enrolls in Spanish classes with her saved wages and as her grasp of the language improves, her world expands, and our glimpses of her life become richer and more expressive.

Cine Las Americas International Film Festival co-presents this program in partnership with the Austin Asian American Film Festival.