
26th Cine Las Americas International Film Festival


Activism, Afro-Latin@, Animation, Art, Displacement, Documentary, Female-Directed, Feminism, History, Indigenous, Sports
These shorts represent individual and community topics and concerns in their contemporary contexts. The works screened in this category are eligible for a Jury Award for Best Documentary Short.
Animation, Comedy, Coming-of-Age, Culture, Documentary, Drama, Education, Female-Directed, Indigenous, Politics, Telenovela, Thriller
Celebrate a special section of the Festival showcasing works by filmmakers 19 years or younger. The works screened in this category are eligible for Jury and Audience Awards for Best “Emergencia” Youth Film.
Activism, Afro-Latin@, Animation, Body Positivity, Comedy, Experimental, Female-Directed, Indigenous, Music
Join us for screening and party at Nepantla. The works screened in this category are eligible for Jury and Audience Awards for Best Music Video.
Animation, Comedy, Fantasy, Female-Directed, LGBTQ+, Racism, Thriller, Trauma
The films are personal and each telling rich stories that will resonate with viewers. The works screened in this category are eligible for a Jury Award for Best Narrative Short.